Your question: " Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya and has no long-form birth certificate? Please document your baseless assertions. Thanks. -Occulty"
My answers:
"Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya"
Probably not.
"and has no long-form birth certificate?"
Also probably not true.
"Please document your baseless assertions."
No, I am not here to entertain you, you are doing that for yourself already.
1. The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.
2. A role or character adopted by an author or an actor.
Your persona: "About Holy F'N Occulty!: It's Christmastime, and I'm back. I've got some pressing questions about Saturnalia and torture that I need answering! Member since 2 July 2013.
"14% Best Answers: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private.
"9,483 Answers: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private.
"1,114 Questions: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private."
In the real world there are challenging issues and problems that if not attended to will overwhelm humanity.
You have not addressed any of them in your post here.
So far you have regurgitated mental content in a random re-mix with no relevance to the real world.
In addition you have managed to insult users for no particular reasons without seeing any replies.
If that is the best you can do, it is worse than useless, like Ted Cruz.