Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya and has no long-form birth certificate?
1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya and has no long-form birth certificate?
116 answers:
2015-03-23 08:55:52 UTC
Yes. He is Obama's half brother and attended Obama;s birth in Kenya.
2015-03-23 22:46:22 UTC
You don't have to born within the parameters of the United States to be become president. Remember John McCain? He was born on a military base in Panama.

Ted Cruz's mother was a United States citizen at the time of his birth; he, therefore, meets the specifications outlined within the constitution to be elected to the highest political office in our land.

Interestingly, though, the same thing wouldn't apply to Obama. His mother was only 18 years old when he was born; in 1961, she needed to be 21 for him to be automatically granted citizenship.
2015-03-25 18:09:12 UTC
The bigger question which is clearly asked by this question is - "Do Yahoo users understand sarcasm and irony"

Obviously from most of the answers that would be "No".

I will explain in plain English the actual question root. You see, we have a President at current who was actually born in Hawaii but was held to task for years and declared unfit to serve office because of a rumor, a legend or some reason that he was born in Kenya.

The people (called 'birthers') we for the most part, the exact same people who would vote in a heartbeat for Cruz.

The reality is that IF the Kenya story were true (which it is not) but - if it were true, then Obama and Ted would be in exactly the same situation.

Born in another country to a ciitzen of the United States who was married to a citizen of another country.

So the question really is - "Why would Ted Cruz NOT be subject to the same insane scrutiny that Obama has battled and wasted so much time with". And the answer is one and only one thing - blatant hypocrisy and perhaps it's not a far leap to call out anti-black racism although the hypocrisy is simply a fact by definition - the anti-black racism idea is simply an extraction that when you look at the two situations they are identical with the only difference being one man is black.

Hope you get it now.
2015-03-23 22:26:03 UTC
I am just mad and running a high fever right now. One of them illegals stole my long-form birth certificate. I am pretty sure it's Ted Cruz.
2015-03-25 17:20:02 UTC
Rafael Ted Cruz is a Cubanuck, understand?

And the hypocrite and idiotic Ted Cruz has applied for Obamcare, understand? This after he said in a speech that he would eliminate every word of Obamacare.;
2015-03-25 08:52:12 UTC
no, but people need to be reminded of how stupid is was to attack Obama that way when Obama had a parent who was a United States Citizen like Cruz did, but unlike Cruz, Obama was actually born in the USA in the state of Hawaii.
2015-03-25 03:18:48 UTC
Ted Cruz is a Cuban sleeper agent.

He claims he was born in Canada but nobody serious believes that. He was born in Cuba and sent to the US to infiltrate US political circles - and now his TP supporters are trying to help him do that by putting him at the very top of US politics.

Ted Cruz (if that is his real name) is threat to America and a communist spy.
Nathan Fi
2015-03-24 18:51:39 UTC
Short answer: no

Long answer: He was born in CANADA to American parents, satisfying the natural-born clause. Every country issues birth certificates. As a side note, Cruz is a surname from Spanish speaking countries and the North American hodgepodge of names. It's unlikely that a Cruz would be from Kenya. Honestly, (not saying I believe this) it's easier to believe this about Obama than Cruz because Obama is a last name from that region. Hawaii just failed at birth certificates until the nineties.
Joe Jagger
2015-03-23 22:16:39 UTC
No, he was born in Cuba and is Castro's Godson.
2015-03-23 17:37:05 UTC
So. Ted Cruz is running for president.

And now Americans' political ignorance will rear its ugly head again.

Millions will start whining that he can't be president because he wasn't born in the US. They are wrong.

I don't like Cruz any more than anyone else, but I must counter that ignorance.

The US Constitution does NOT say that the president must be born in the US. It sys that the president must be a "natural born citizen".

(Article II, Section 1, Clause 5)

No. It is not the same thing.

Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 gives Congress the power "To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization ... "

Congress did that through the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952.

Section 301, Paragraph e.

A child born outside the US IS A NATURAL BORN CITIZEN if AT LEAST ONE PARENT WAS A US CITIZEN at the time of that birth.

Just as it doesn't matter where Barack Obama was born, it doesn't matter where Ted Cruz was born.

Both of their mothers were citizens.

They are both natural born citizens.

Get over it, folks.

Stop Ted Cruz because he's a dangerous jackass, not because of where his parents were when his mother went into labor.…/ilink/docView/…/HTML/SLB/act.html
2015-03-31 07:46:46 UTC
Yes, Ted Cruz was born in Kenya.
2015-03-24 06:52:06 UTC
The founding fathers were not born in the United States. Maybe, if we start to look at it like this; when someone is born again while in the United States he and/or she is a Citizen of the United States. Just some thoughts.

As to provide you will some insight into the question you asked. Ted Cruz was born in Canada and renounced his Canadian Citizenship to become a United States Citizen. Ted Cruz s mother was born and raised in Wilmington, Delaware and Ted Cruz s father became naturalized citizen in Dallas, Texas.

The thing that is important to your question is how can a person who is not born in the United States of America including any of it s territories. The Nationality Act of 1940 (H.R. 9980; Pub.L. 76-853; 54 Stat. 1137) supports that Ted Cruz meets the United States Citizenship requirement under U.S. Federal law due to his mother meeting the 10 year requirement.

I do not support Ted Cruz as he is associated with the Tea Party movement, which in part enjoys shutting down the United States Government among other things which in my view suggest one does not love his or her country.

The personal issue as to why I would not vote or suggest anyone to vote for Ted Cruz is due to his Dad working in a foreign military that seized American Citizen s oil wells during the Cuba Revolution. Cuban s lost assets as well as American Citizen s such as my grandfather lost oil rigs.

All in all, Bush/Rubio sounds great to me.
2015-03-24 04:27:05 UTC
Your question: " Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya and has no long-form birth certificate? Please document your baseless assertions. Thanks. -Occulty"

My answers:

"Is it true that Ted Cruz was born in Kenya"

Probably not.

"and has no long-form birth certificate?"

Also probably not true.

"Please document your baseless assertions."

No, I am not here to entertain you, you are doing that for yourself already.



1. The aspect of someone's character that is presented to or perceived by others.

2. A role or character adopted by an author or an actor.

Your persona: "About Holy F'N Occulty!: It's Christmastime, and I'm back. I've got some pressing questions about Saturnalia and torture that I need answering! Member since 2 July 2013.

"14% Best Answers: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private.

"9,483 Answers: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private.

"1,114 Questions: Sorry, nothing to see here! User's activity is private."

In the real world there are challenging issues and problems that if not attended to will overwhelm humanity.

You have not addressed any of them in your post here.

So far you have regurgitated mental content in a random re-mix with no relevance to the real world.

In addition you have managed to insult users for no particular reasons without seeing any replies.

If that is the best you can do, it is worse than useless, like Ted Cruz.
2015-03-29 01:07:33 UTC
May that make any difference in addition when compared with the way great of a us president he or she could possibly be? If there seemed to be someone who had been a lot more qualified to function the united states and perform your individuals essentially the most justice, might all of us somewhat opt for the a lesser amount of skilled, a lesser amount of encountered, and a lesser amount of accomplished prospect since his or her moms and dads were being delivered here? Precisely how silly will that seem. In fact the item appears like unaware elegance. Right now I'm definitely not expressing Jones is actually skilled, I'm simply just asking should he or she become disqualified as a consequence of his or her birth spot?
2015-03-23 23:05:12 UTC
Does that matter more so than how good of a president he could be? If there was a person who was more capable to run the country and do our citizens the most justice, would we rather choose the less qualified, less experienced, and less talented candidate because their parents were born here? How ridiculous does that sound. In fact it sounds like ignorant discrimination. Now Im not saying Cruz is qualified, Im just asking should he be disqualified because of his birth place?
2015-03-30 13:56:51 UTC
Starting with Obama laws apparently do not matter Maybe we can get Netanyahu to our president. Cruz

was born in Canada. Sam's Club has free hearing tests.
2015-03-29 07:20:34 UTC
If the Mother is a U.S. citizen than the child could be born on the moon and the child is considered a U.S. citizen.

I personally think that needs to change for elected U.S. officials. There's some twisted minded people running our country who have been brought up in other country's with their customs shoving them down Americas throat. Teddy's dad was a illegal from Cuba and married a US citizen wife, who had Teddy in Canada who moved here.
2015-03-25 12:43:26 UTC
No, Ted Cruz was born in Canada.
2015-03-28 07:24:38 UTC
No. He was born in Havana and has no form of birth certificate. Except Castro is vouching for him. He says, he can't wait until Seinor Cruz has done away with the evil facist IRS! Viva la revolution!
2015-03-24 05:54:49 UTC
Marco Rubio > Ted Cruz.
2015-03-24 02:34:18 UTC
If Cruz had been born in Kenya,I'd assume he would've been black.he was born in Canada to Cuban immigrants.he is Latino.
2015-03-31 09:47:35 UTC
Does that matter more so than how good of a president he could be? If there was a person who was more capable to run the country and do our citizens the most justice, would we rather choose the less qualified, less experienced, and less talented candidate because their parents were born here? How ridiculous does that sound. In fact it sounds like ignorant discrimination.
2015-03-24 13:04:46 UTC
What the hell is a long-form birth certificate? You can be an American citizen by virtue of being born to an American citizen anywhere in the world -- that's what's meant by being a natural born citizen.
2015-03-27 20:45:52 UTC
No, he was born in Canada. President Obama's father was born in Kenya.
2015-03-26 12:13:35 UTC
Rafael Ted Johnson is a Cubanuck, comprehend?

Plus the hypocrite as well as idiotic Ted Johnson provides sent applications for Obamcare, comprehend? This kind of right after he or she mentioned in the dialog that she would likely eliminate every single expression associated with Obamacare.;'...
2015-03-23 23:17:27 UTC
Because I'm psychic not only did I know you'd read this

I also see the disbelief that this fact isn't insulting Kenya.

Lower primates on his family crest is described as saltire

invected per pale argent between four monkeys statant

of second, environed with a plain collar and chained of

the second. Its all very clear with respect to recognized

heraldry. Please pardon the technical terms. 'Tho how

our African's come to a Coat of Arms is another tale.
2015-03-24 17:02:14 UTC
A long form birth certificate is a form of ID that has not been asked for for 30 years. It's the whole birth certificate and not the little card. Some of these out of touch idiots don't know that no one has asked for a long for birth certificate in 30 years. They just remember them from their youth so they said let's ask him for one.
2015-03-24 19:58:04 UTC
He was born in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. That's a fact.
2015-03-25 05:24:37 UTC
Not Zeta Reticuli, like Mitt the Shitt Rumpney?
2015-03-24 12:51:59 UTC
It's sad that we will be going down this path again this election cycle. Fortunately though, Ted Cruz has a snowball's chance in hell of winning a national election (even his own party has called him radical). He may be able to talk up the Texans, but the filth he spews won't fly with the rest of the nation.

His ideas may be disturbing, but like Santorum, he will get shredded in the primaries.
2015-03-25 12:30:51 UTC
It is true that he hasn't published a photoshopped birth certificate yet, unlike Obama. FACT
2015-03-26 11:44:11 UTC
The FIRST thing you have to be to run for President is a "Natural Born Citizen".. What is so hard about that?? Either you Are or you are NOT! People are Sooo Stupid!
2015-03-24 07:53:47 UTC
he was born in Canada and unlike Obama I hope he has legitimate documented( legitimate being the key word) proof of American citizenship or else he has no business even running. i'm still not sure if Obama was legit to this day.
2015-03-27 21:16:27 UTC
He was born further north, in Alaska. Something in the air up there that affects only politicians like him and Sara Palin.
2015-03-24 11:43:26 UTC
appearances can often depict ones intelligence and psychological disorders without you having to actually get to know them first. do you have to walk up to someone and get to know them first before you can conclude they have downsyndrom? most likely no. in this case you can clearly see he isn't a normal human specimen. it's possible many things went wrong in the womb resulting in his odd shaped head, feminine attributes, phychotic disorders. most polititians are psychopaths and a large number of conservatives ani-gay republicans have been caught in gay scandals.
2015-03-24 07:12:07 UTC
You can't lose with Cruz.
River Euphrates
2015-03-24 07:40:56 UTC
I heard Ted Cruz smoked weed and joined the black panthers when he was younger.
2015-03-24 00:01:29 UTC
“Ted Cruz, born in Canada to an American mother, is American. Barack Obama, born in America to an American mother is Kenyan. And that’s all you need to know.” ~ John Fugelsang
2015-03-25 19:46:00 UTC
8 USC 1401(g) says that he cannot be President because his mother was not in the military or a diplomat when she shagged the Cuban. He can be Senator or Congressman, but not President.
Linda R
2015-03-24 14:33:37 UTC
Hahahahaha..................Ted Cruz was born in Canada.

His father was born in Cuba and his mother in America.
Sri V
2015-03-24 13:38:52 UTC
Ted Cruz is not far as I know you have to be a human to run for President at the very least.
2015-03-25 03:05:49 UTC
Why do you people keep twisting constitutional law?

"Natural born" as outlined in the constitution simply means - to be born on sovereign US soil. An amendment was added to include children born on a sovereign US military installation in a foreign country to US citizen parents serving in the US military.
2015-03-23 08:56:18 UTC
When he was born the doctor called him sarah palin's annoying little brother
2015-03-23 16:24:51 UTC
All of the political talk is over my head. I remember when people were trying to say that Obama was not an American but was born in Africa. I don't care who wins an election, and what they are all about. I think that man can't solve the world's problems and the governments will come to an end anyway. Jeremiah 10:23, Daniel 2:44.
2015-03-24 10:32:04 UTC

Kenya and Texas are one in the same.
2015-03-25 15:38:13 UTC
No. Is it true that Barack Hussein Obama was brought up in anti-American, anti-Colonial influences?
2015-03-25 15:47:01 UTC
No, funny though. I think hes born in canada
2015-03-24 22:20:40 UTC
No, but he was born with join Cuban citizenship

McCAIN was born in PANAMA (but shhhhh, we aren't supposed to talk about that either)
2015-03-24 21:05:49 UTC
I doubt he was born in Kenya but, If you have enough money and, lie to enough sponsors you too can become president.
2015-03-24 10:50:40 UTC
He's the MOST repulsive and pretentious and arrogant guy on the face of the world, He's born in Canada his dad being Canadian and his mother being American. He's a native from Canada.
2015-03-24 04:31:33 UTC
He was born in Calgary, Canada
a Guy bein a Guy
2015-03-24 09:40:18 UTC
The phrase in question is "Naturally Born".

That leaves Cruz totally out.

I understand that he was not "born" so much as "hatched" in the tradition of slithering reptiles everywhere.
2015-03-24 09:36:33 UTC
He would not be running for president if he were born in another country.
2015-03-23 10:01:37 UTC
Yes he came over on the Obama family illegal immigrant coyote transportation system.
2015-03-24 01:43:15 UTC
Yes he came over on the Obama family illegal immigrant coyote transportation system.
Bill Lumbergh
2015-03-23 08:57:17 UTC
You also forgot that he is a Muslim that hates America. What he is missing is a great middle name. Maybe he should change it to Vladimir!
Dave & Donna
2015-03-23 22:17:41 UTC
You're thinking of the iatolla Obama.
2015-03-24 12:05:10 UTC
ted cruz is actually an illegal immigrant
2015-03-24 02:44:21 UTC
your an interesting person to be worried about truth genius.....

you can keep your doctor and health plan

Benghazi was about a video

we were not involved in fast and furious

solyndra is our energy future

heres a few more....
2015-03-24 06:26:33 UTC
He was born in Kenada.
2015-03-25 18:02:51 UTC
Came here for points
Not an Obama fan
2015-03-24 08:55:23 UTC
That being the case should make him the PERFECT CANDIDATE PER THE LEFT

so then he would get 50% vote from right wing and 50% left wing or 100% vote
2015-03-26 06:15:27 UTC
What does this mean? I hope it is not what I think. He was born in canada
2015-03-24 13:15:10 UTC
Oh, so now it's ignorance?

Just trying to open your eyes.
2015-03-26 05:36:58 UTC
Dr Yes level 9 since 1999
2015-03-24 12:36:54 UTC
Answer number 63; Yes! And he's muslim too.
2015-03-24 16:06:16 UTC
he was born in kenya so i don't think so
2015-03-25 23:47:08 UTC
Yes..but it was suppose to be a secret..

Don't tell Mom OK??
2015-03-24 14:15:34 UTC
he can run if one of the parent s are a natural born citizen
2015-03-23 08:57:05 UTC
He was born in Indonesia.
2015-03-25 02:29:09 UTC
Actually he was born in Shanghai.
2015-03-24 07:39:21 UTC
No, you are confused. Obama was born there.
2015-03-28 11:58:17 UTC
Nah, he from Zambia
2015-03-24 16:29:54 UTC
Do a little research.
2015-03-24 03:31:31 UTC
2015-03-24 02:31:18 UTC
2015-03-23 08:58:18 UTC
No he is a Cuban Marxist.
2015-03-24 15:28:59 UTC
If it was, you can be sure the left wing media would be running with it 24x7.
2015-03-24 03:44:39 UTC
No it's not troll.
2015-03-30 13:53:31 UTC
Tell them
2015-03-24 04:34:18 UTC
No Donald, I did not know that? is he from EARTH?...0324/2015
Art G
2015-03-23 21:04:02 UTC
NOPE, that's the bummer your thinking of.
S i r i
2015-03-23 22:00:06 UTC
he was canadian born. Shouldnt be allowed to run, in my humble opinion.

But it doesn't matter anyway...he has got about as much chance as winning as Kim Kardashian has dating a white guy.
2015-03-28 12:42:44 UTC
jews caused the Bosnian war
2015-03-24 15:52:11 UTC
were that true the Left would be falling all over themselves supporting his candidacy..they are not!
2015-03-24 04:16:21 UTC
yes true
Asked and Answered
2015-03-25 14:01:52 UTC
I interpreted this question as pure sarcasm....
2015-03-24 10:00:23 UTC
2015-03-24 02:30:28 UTC
it may be
2015-03-29 13:07:33 UTC
2015-03-24 15:15:40 UTC
2015-03-24 11:12:17 UTC
yes may be
Sr. Questionador
2015-03-24 07:37:42 UTC
it's true.
2015-03-25 13:33:05 UTC
2015-03-24 12:53:58 UTC
Probably not.
2015-03-23 08:57:00 UTC
No.. Stop the silliness
2015-03-31 01:36:05 UTC
its not important for someone
2015-03-24 11:30:51 UTC
2015-03-24 07:27:26 UTC
where were all of u when they were picking on OBAMA? certainly
2015-03-23 17:39:52 UTC
kinda like someone else we know.
2015-03-28 05:31:18 UTC
he is another bush and jug ***
Ajay B
2015-03-28 13:44:49 UTC
they are both not good
John S
2015-03-26 08:48:14 UTC
obviously not
2015-03-29 14:42:48 UTC

you libTARDS and democRATS crack me up.

NObama is a loser.

YOU are a loser.
2015-03-30 23:52:13 UTC
i think i have no answer
2015-03-28 21:08:22 UTC
canada not american
2015-03-24 20:28:29 UTC
he is hawt
2015-03-28 12:32:27 UTC
Their minds don't work this way, but thanks for trying.
2015-03-25 11:14:24 UTC
2015-03-24 13:06:54 UTC
Media Express
2015-03-30 12:46:45 UTC
2015-03-24 03:10:55 UTC
2015-03-23 21:38:02 UTC
2015-03-30 09:47:13 UTC
2015-03-23 23:19:15 UTC
2015-03-25 16:46:24 UTC

This content was originally posted on Y! Answers, a Q&A website that shut down in 2021.