I'm a British Columbian again after living three years in Alberta and in my mind there are three Albertas: urban Alberta; oil Alberta; and farm Alberta.
Farm Alberta is the tiny hamlet town on the prarie Alberta. There's not a lot of newcomers. There's not alot of business. Everyone and their family have been there forever and they all ranch/farm. These people are generally small c conservative types just like they are anywhere else in the country. That is just the way small agricultural towns are. It is no worse or better in Alberta than it is in Ontario.
Oil Alberta on the other hand is a completely different place. Oil Alberta is the small/medium towns where everyone in new and from somewhere else in the country and they all owe their living to mother oil. Whether you work the cafe, the rig, or the shop, your life begins and ends with the sludge in the ground. These people are the type that have uprooted themselves from their homes and families and moved out there for what they figure is a better life. These people are therefore independant, make it on your own types generally. This doesn't mean they're small c conservative at all. Some of those places are pretty rough and tumble and put up with some pretty libertine lifestyles, but you're not going to see them voting NDP enmasse and supporting community initiatives like smoke free zones or free daycare.
In urban Alberta however, that is where I'd say you see the real regressionist conservative attitudes just as you'd see their largest leftist bent because that is exactly where the greatest contrast between the bourgeois and the proletariat types is happening. In Calgary or Edmonton you're either one of two types: the working guy constantly struggling to make his rent/mortgage or the arrogant rich type that is giving Alberta a lot of the stereotypes it has.
Anyway, my point is there are a lot of stereotypes out there and none of them are really accurate. I'm sure there's lots of people that could punch a million holes in what I said here, but I thought I'd share the way I understand the province. I'll leave it to you to make your own impression.
PS: Always remember, Alberta is a province of four million people. Thing is over a million live in Calgary. Just under a million live in Edmonton. Add the magor oil industry hubs of McMurray, Red Deer, Grande Prairie, Lethbridge, and the Hat, you'd get somewhere between another 3/4 to a full million. Doesn't leave much of the population left to fill out the rest of the province does it? More often than not, when you apply the label "Albertan" who you're really talking about is a urban workin' type.